
Us And Them
by David Campton

Coulsdon Community Centre
1 April 1978 - 7 April 1978

Circles II
by Chris Argles

Coulsdon Community Centre
1 July 1977 - 7 July 1977

The Birthday Party
by Harold Pinter

Coulsdon Community Centre
1 April 1977 - 15 April 1977

The Hobbit
by By J. R. R. Tolkien, dramatized by Patricia Gray

Coulsdon Youth and Social Centre
11, 12 and 18 December 1976

by John Crocker, a pantomime

Coulsdon Youth and Social Centre, CR5 3BE
13, 14 and 21 December 1975

by Theatre Workshop Coulsdon, devised and co-ordinated by Christopher Argles

Coulsdon Youth and Social Centre, CR5 3BE
12 July 1975